“Dhamma” or Buddhist teachings and rules are taken as the sole guides to a way of achieving true wisdom, compassion and freedom from suffering. The Buddha told his disciples to follow his Dhamma not the leader after his death.
All teachings and rules such as mindfulness meditation are means to awakening us, to know ourselves, understand the truth of life and finally let go of all suffering in order to gain true happiness or enter into nirvana.
Dhamma is Universal as it is the Law of Nature hence it is suitable for all practices.

The story of Prince Siddhartha Gautama’s spiritual journey to Enlightenment and the story of the Buddha as becoming the supreme leader and the greatest teacher.

All “Dhamma” or Buddha’s teachings and rules, are truths of life. Buddhist ways of living and mindfulness mediation are means to the end the suffering. Dhamma which is the Law of of Nature is universal hence it is useful for all practices in daily life.

The Buddhist followers who are known as the sons of the Buddha. They are ordained to be Buddhist monks and strictly follow the Doctrine and the Discipline of the Monk. They are well trained in the path of Dhamma to attain enlightenment.