Getting Start with Meditation.

Posted by SataBhisha | 12 Feb 2018


Getting Start with Meditation

Practice mediation can be neither hard or easy. It depends on the level of practice, and your expectation.

For its major benefits, it helps calm your mind and lower blood pressure. It brings out positivity thoughts, and compassion. It does not require any equipment and is free of charge. You can practice it almost anywhere, and the only competition is your own self.


Source : Shutter Stock

Here are some ideas for you to prepare yourself before practice meditation. This preparation is easy to follow. It will enhance your practice to be more structured and fulfilling your purpose. Follow this list and you will be sure to have great meditating experience.


1. Prepare yourself, Mindfully and physically.

In a traditional Bhuddist Meditation, we believe that the basic state of Mind is pure and undisturbed. And to meditate is to calm all the stirred emotions and go back to that calm and non- bother state of mind. Before starting your meditation practice. Try letting go of all the duty, worries and whatever that is bothering your mind. Be mindful that you are about to start meditating, whatever feeling or thoughts that are irrelevant to this activity and your calmness have to go.


2. Choose a convenient time and set timer for your meditation

Plan when you would prefer to practice your meditation and pick the best time that is convenient for you.  It is recommended to set your timer when you practice, so you do not have to worry about when it suppose to end.


3. Find your peaceful Spot

Choose a clean and quiet place or corner to practice meditation. Try not to think like a real  perfectionist. Just try to find a space that has a good ventilation and feel comfortable for you, a little bit of birds chirping, or a slight sound of a fan moving will not hurt you.


4. Feel comfortable in your stomach

Hunger or Gastric pain or discomfort can be a real threat to your peace of mind. Try not to eat before meditation or eat a light, easy to digest meal 45 minutes before practice meditation. Not being too full will prevent you from dozing off, and being hungry is not an ideal condition neither. Keeping it light is the key.

5. Stretch and warm up before Meditating

Human body consists of many muscles and joints. If you suddenly push yourself to stay in one posture for too long without warming it up first, your blood will not flow easily, and you might experiencing cramps and some muscle discomfort. Try stretching out or having a light exercise such as walking, yoga or tai-chi  before coming to sit in a lotus position. Doing so will soften your muscle and prepare it for the next activity, so you can sit and do the meditation smoother, and longer than not warming your muscle up. 


Source: Shutter Stock


6. Breathe Deeply

Practice breathing in and out deeply and slowly. We are so used to rushing ourselves to do more, and be more. In doing so, we program ourselves to be busy and forget to breathe in deeply. This action will never bring you peace and calmness. When you decide to meditate, tap in with your body and come to realisation that it is time for you to let go and relax. Inhale and exhale slowly. Feel the breeze coming into and coming out from your nose. Yes, this is how we suppose to breathe!


7. Do it with happiness

It is true as this saying goes “A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.” by Anonymous. Like other activities when you set your mind to do something, do it good, and do it with a smile on your face. There is no point of doing something, and expecting to have a negative impact in your life. If it is the case, stop doing it. You will not get anything good out of it. Practice meditation is the same, you have to know why you are practicing it. Believe in the positive outcome and train yourself with a light smile on your face.


8. Slowly coming when finish your session

You already invest some time to calm yourself down, and find the peaceful spot in your heart. Do not ruin it by rushing yourself to abruptly coming out, and jumping into your next activity. Well, you can do it, but it might make your meditation session, not very effective. After finishing your meditation session, slowly coming back and open your eyes. Try to stay calm as long as possible and slowly adapting yourself into your normal routine. Your busy life will definitely catch up with you very soon, so why rushing?



