Ajhan Anan Akiñcano

Posted by SataBhisha | 02 Nov 2021

Ajahn Anan Akiñcano is one of Ajahn Chah's disciple, developing a relationship as Ajahn Chah’s personal attendant.
Photo : Wat Map Chan


His reputation is as an accomplished meditation teacher has grown, along with the number of monks coming to live under him.
While his teachings stress the fundamentals of day-to-day meditation and mindfulness practice, Ajahn Anan is also known for his ability to articulate the Buddhist path in terms that practitioners of varied backgrounds can understand.
His instruction has attracted a large following of foreigners, with monks from Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka and elsewhere residing at Wat Marp Jan and its branches.
Today, Ajahn Anan attends to his duties as abbot and teacher, looking after a growing number of branch monasteries in Thailand and overseas, teaching visiting laity, and instructing the monks who practice under his guidance.
Wat Map Chan